What Denomination Are You?

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What denomination are you??


Though technically not a denomination, Grace Church is a cooperating church with the Great Commission Baptists.

Never heard of it? Maybe not by that name, but you have likely heard of the Southern Baptist Convention. They are one in the same. Considering thousands of Great Commission Baptist Churches are outside of the cultural South, in 2012 the Southern Baptist Convention adopted the moniker of Great Commission Baptists to provide an alternative for churches outside of the South to use for better cultural and contextual relevance.

The name Great Commission Baptists is global, and therefore not limited to any specific region of the world.

Why are we a Great Commission Baptist (SBC) church?

1.) We are the largest missionary sending organization the world has ever seen. By cooperating with tens of thousands of other churches throughout the nation, Great Commission Baptists have been able to send missionaries and plant churches all over the world through the Cooperative Program. By contributing to the Cooperative Program, Grace Church is one small church working with thousands of other churches toward the same goal: to make disciples of all nations.

2.) We are confessionally baptistic in our theology, meaning there are certain theological distinctives we affirm. The statement of faith for the Great Commission Baptists is called the Baptist Faith and Message. This statement addresses our shared beliefs on the Bible, God, Man, Salvation, the Church, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, The Lord’s Day, the Kingdom, Last Things, Evangelism and Missions, Education, Stewardship, Cooperation, the Christian and the Social Order, Peace and War, Religious Liberty, and the Family.

3.) The governance of the GCB is not a top-down hierarchy.  Each Great Commission Baptist (SBC) church is an autonomous local congregation of baptized believers that makes their own decisions on staffing, budget, programs, etc.

Simply, as a participating Great Commission Baptist Church, we believe we are better together. Through cooperation with other like-minded churches, we have the opportunity to participate in worldwide missions and evangelism, and contribute to taking the gospel to all nations.