Our Mission

Changing stories with the gospel.

We believe stories are changed when we encounter Jesus, grow in Him, and live by Him.

Our Vision

We exist to see Jesus glorified, lives restored, and disciples sent.

Our Values

Gospel-Centered Multiplication
Gospel-Centered Multiplication

We are relentlessly pursuing multiplication and mission.

Gospel-Centered Community
Gospel-Centered Community

We were created for community and are better together.

Gospel-Centered Worship
Gospel-Centered Worship

We are totally reliant on the Word, prayer, and God’s leading.

Gospel-Centered Generosity
Gospel-Centered Generosity

We stand ready and willing to make a difference in the lives of others.

Gospel-Centered Unity
Gospel-Centered Unity

We are united around the mission and vision of the church, based on the truth of God’s Word.

Doctrinal Distinctives

We believe in the Trinity. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are equal in essence and distinctive in person.

We believe in the virgin birth, sinless life, vicarious death, and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ.

We believe that Jesus took our place on the cross and paid the sin debt that we owed God. This substitutionary atoning work makes forgiveness of sin possible for all of humanity.

We believe that salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ alone, plus nothing and minus nothing. The conditions of salvation are repentance and faith.

We believe in a literal heaven to be gained and a literal hell to be shunned.

We believe that the Bible is totally true and trustworthy. It is “God-breathed”, and has been divinely protected from error. As a result, it contains everything we need for life and godliness.

As a cooperating Great Commission Baptist congregation, we affirm the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message as our general statement of belief.

Confessionally Baptistic

Affiliated with the Great Commission Baptist
